"Being aware that my creations fill empty spaces, I join kinetic light, space, surfaces and sound, inspired by the rhythms and forms of nature. Using digital tools, I strive to stay as close as possible to the void, balancing between order and chaos."
Light, Space, Surface, sound and Time dialogues with voids

Started as a fine art photographer, he evolved to impermanent art inviting the experiencers to engage in multilayered conversations..
Jacques Vermeulen, born in 1967, grew up in different countries and on different continents, dominantly in Western Europe and lives in Belgium. He graduated in Fine Art Photography at the Maak Academy of Fine Arts in Knokke (Belgium, 2020), followed by a two year Masterclass in Fine Art Photography (2022). In parallel with this Masterclass, he started product design at the same academy and is currently continuing at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp.  His works are evolving to biomimetic kinetic light installations consisting of light, space, surface, sound and time.
My projects are like trees where the multiple layers in my head are growing into branches and leaves. I intend that my works become an aesthetic-conceptual interactive experience, instigating generative conversations with family, friends and persons one did not interact with before. Some will behold the silhouette or look at the individual branches, others will zoom in on the leaves or even gaze at the venation. A few might even dig to see and feel the roots of the tree.
Jacques's work often comes with a "mapzette", showing thoughts and revealing the process of “rooting the tree”.
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